Resource Center:
Video- Showing the different products and sizes:
Video- Getting started guide, how to use your Alkywan Spheres:
Alkywan Photon Protocol Practice Booklet
Alkywan Spheres are a portal (like an antenna) to amplify intelligent source energy. They begin working with you as soon as you place an order! Source energy is already ACTIVATED, you do not need anyone to activate your light sphere. You can use your intention and connection to allow, direct, recieve, and share the energy.
You do not even need protocols. The protocol book is simply an accessory for those who desire some assistance and direction. You can continuously upgrade the way you work and play with this energy, so I encourage you not to get “stuck” in the idea that you need protocols, but you can have fun with this book and allow it to give you new ideas in how to direct and allow the energy to work with you and others.
Free for you to view or download:
Download link:
*Disclaimer- Alkywan products are not medical devices and this information is not to be considered medical advice.